TLA Releasing (2005)
Action, Fantasy, Thriller
I Samling
Sett Den&Ja
IMDB   5.8
110 mins USA/English
DVD  Region 1   UR (Unrated)
Oscar Åkermo DD - liten
Sasha Becker Helena
Jörgen Berthage Goon
Martin Blad Goon
Jens Ekbom Älskande man
Lina Englund The Assistant
Peter Engman Cabbie
Eric Ericson Donny Davidson
Mikael Fredriksson Mobbare
Marcus Gummesson Mobbare
Henrik Hofling Mobbare
Christian Hollbrink Ronny
Sofia Hvittfeldt Katta
Robert Jitzmark Bög 2
Jonas Karlsson The man in suit
Regissör Måns Mårlind
Björn Stein
Producent Karl Fredrik Ulfung
Lena Rehnberg
Manusförfattare Måns Mårlind
Filmfotograf Linus Sandgren
Kompositör Carl-Michael Herlöfsson

There is a fight scene done in the fashion of the Matrix, and then some funny scenes. Donny DD Davidson (Eric Ericson) is in his twenties and exists as a bachelor in Stockholm, Sweden, in a future world that is bleak. He is fine with this until odd people enter his life and all things appear to concern him in one way or other. DD becomes an unwilling participant in a game where Jeppon (Karl Norrhall) and Lova (Eva Rose) try to instruct him into various directions; they sometimes are seen as computer game or comic book characters. DD goes to a little city where he used to live and must relive some adolescent memories that are unpleasant.
Fakta om Utgåva
Upplaga Koop
Releasedatum 2008-05-27
Förpackning Keep Case
Bildformat Widescreen (1.85:1)
Textning English
Ljudspår Dolby Digital 5.1
Lager En Sida, Två Lager
Antal Skivor/Band 1